New record

Today in Tibia at the busy hours there are more than 50.000 people logged in at once. 70 servers guarantee that so many people can play. In the past there was only one Tibia, one Server and very few people.

From this time is that screenshot. Note the text in the statusbar at the bottom.
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Past vs Present: The Energy Bomb (updated)

Today we introduce a new category at TibiaHistory: Past vs Present.

We will collect screenshots from the past and show the same situations in the new client today.

We will start with the Energy bomb. Some years ago, the energy bomb was a very rare item. Only one Sorcerer in whole Tibia could cast it. He got the ability to do so from a spell scroll he got from the gods.

This sorcerer was Spiritguide, a second char of the well known Arieswar.

Why he got the spell scroll even he can’t remember anymore. The energy-bomb was quite differentin comparison with today. The spell did only cost 270 Mana to cast and created an energy bomb rune with 15 shots. “15 shots?” you will say, “we only have 2 today”. Yes that’s right but that was not the only difference.

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GM Powergamers

In the old times the GMs had no special GM chars to login with.

These were introduced in a special update.

Of course it was tested before and CIP thought it would be enough to give the GM-chars no cap to make them unable to attack anything as they were unvulnerable.

Well as often they underestimated the creativity of people.

Take BPs of Light magic missiles (Mag Level 0 to use) and push them into the drag lord cave. Then even a GM can Level 🙂

With Light Magic Missile Runes the Gms were able to kill a dragon lord on the testserver.
With Light Magic Missile Runes the Gms were able to kill a dragon lord on the testserver.

We had a lot of fun on this Testserver but of course this “feature” was removed afterwards. 😉

Oldschool Trap

This picture shows what was possible back in the old Tibia.

People could summon Dragons and stuff and simply logout. After that the monsters would go wild and attack everyone.

It was possible to summon up to 8 monsters. As you see in the Picture. But since you got no Exp from Summon-Kills back then the only use of them was for PKing.
You ask yourself why you can only summon 2 monsters today and why they disappear after you log?

Here is the answer.

An evil trap that was created in the lighthouse west of Thais
An evil trap that was created in the lighthouse west of Thais