Where is Yasir?

I have made a little proof of concept to see if the communinity would be interested in an overview of active Mini-World-Changes at their worlds. (Including Yasir apperance)
So i have made this little site:

How does it work?
At the world Board in the Adventurers guild there are Messages for all active Mini World Changes. This Information can be copied from the Server Log and uploaded to the service.
After upload the Page of the corresponding World shows the active World-Changes for the actual day.
If enough people upload this information on different days on different Servers we get a good overview and can even think about e-mail notifications for special events.

Give it a try and let me know in the comments what you think.

Tibiahistory is back (again)

Yeah i know, new content for this page was not coming for years now.

The last time Tibiahistory got new content is now nearly 4 years ago.

Last time i told you that Tibiahistory is back, too and it didn’t last long.

I can not promise to keep it up this time much longer but i will try.

Last week i found several screenshots on my computer which i think should really be published.

What can you expect?

– Raw footage of quotes done by the gods in the game
– The truth how the Annihilator was introduced
– Huntig screenshots of the classic client which were never posted before

and much more.

I will try to start today in the evening (CET).


Digging for gold!

After i started TibiaHistory again last weekend, i was wondering where i would get old screenshots from.
I found an old IDE-harddrive in my basement. I had no idea what was on it and since i only have new SATA Drives i couldn’t look into it.
So i ordered an adapter which arrived today.
One drive is not accessible yet (well i will try again), butthe other one works fine.
And picture my suprise as i found an Tibia-Folder with 5GB!! of Data!!

I have no idea whats hidden in all this, but i am sure there are many screenshots no one has ever seen.
A quick scan allready revealed the following:
– Test-Server Screens (Steve killed me)
– Movies from the Movie section of tibia.de which i moderated (some of them never made it to youtube)
– My Good Bye SGM Thread on the internal SGM Board (which Guido commented on)

And much much more…

Stay tuned for the things to come.


Do you have stories/pictures of the old Tibia?

Well the title says it all. 🙂

If you have screenshots or stories of the old Tibia and want to share them, then mail them to info@tibiahistory.com

I won’t promise that they will be published but i will look into it.

Please have in mind that it should be something special in the history of Tibia. The war of guild x with guild y on server z does not qualify.

And i prefer stories about Antica simply cause it’s the oldest one and there are stories enough in the history of this server.

So keep it coming. 🙂

