Digging for gold!

After i started TibiaHistory again last weekend, i was wondering where i would get old screenshots from.
I found an old IDE-harddrive in my basement. I had no idea what was on it and since i only have new SATA Drives i couldn’t look into it.
So i ordered an adapter which arrived today.
One drive is not accessible yet (well i will try again), butthe other one works fine.
And picture my suprise as i found an Tibia-Folder with 5GB!! of Data!!

I have no idea whats hidden in all this, but i am sure there are many screenshots no one has ever seen.
A quick scan allready revealed the following:
– Test-Server Screens (Steve killed me)
– Movies from the Movie section of tibia.de which i moderated (some of them never made it to youtube)
– My Good Bye SGM Thread on the internal SGM Board (which Guido commented on)

And much much more…

Stay tuned for the things to come.


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