Demon dance

According to yesterday there were 3,355 demons kiled on all servers of Tibia and 17,647 in the last week.

The only demon who can make a little fear amongst the tibians anymore is Orshabaal but even he was killed 8 times in the last month.
But now think about the following:
All Level 30+ are removed from all Servers and a demon spawn would be placed in mino city. Ok additional the power of the demon is reduced to a Dragon lord. And asume a demon looks like that:
attackThen you have a bit the situation we had back in 1999. The only demon spawn was south of Mino City in the so called cavern city (Mintwalin didn’t exist back then)
Normally the demon was only accesible with a ladder up from cavern city. And only a few of the heroes did dare to enter it’s realm.
But there were some who were strong enough to even “push” the demon around 🙂

So it sometimes happened that the demon was pushed down the ladder (YES, that was possible back then :))

On such a day i was on my way to cavern city to kill some ghouls. I just made my Level 16 and i was a mid level back then 🙂
How suprised i was, as a magic fire surrounded me out of the sudden.

“Holy shit”, i thought, “did they upgrad the ghouls?” But then i saw the red bulk who shot the fire at me. I was totally shocked and run for my life. With a lot of healing i managed to reach the ladder. And since the walking algorithm of the monsters was not that good back then, the demon was stuck at the wall as he tried to reach me.

Well what to do? A call for some high levels did not make any results cause it was a very quiet day and not much people online. So i did the only thing possible. From upstairs i threw some parcels and crates around the demon to trap him. YES, demons (and all other monsters) could be trapped by parcels back then. My motivation was to get the demon away from there so that the mid levels could again hunt in cavern city without getting killed.


So i used the only possibility i had. The so called: “Roof-shooting”. It was officially forbidden to use it (as allways not everything possible is allowed) but what should i do? So i used some HMMs and tried to kill the demon form one floor upstairs. But well you can imagine how many runes i would have needed with a Level of 16? MANY!! So it was only a try 🙂 Maquis Ledhead a Paladin with Mag Level 15 came to help me. He shot some SDs and was a bit supprised how less the damage was 🙂
We got him to barely wounded but that was all 🙂

At last 2 wizards (GMs back then) arrived. It took me a while to convince them not to ban me for roof-shooting. But then they agreed on my actions and got down to kill the demon. In the following fight i was so much lagged cause of shooting arrows that i only saw the demon drop dead. (They were both high Levels back then and had killed several demons allready). Instead of a dead demon body a chest did appear where the demon dropped dead and was full of loot 🙂

The only rare in it was the “steel shield”. Back then it was the graphic for the Shield of the mastermind. Helmet of the stars and E-plate were common in these days and you could buy them for around 300gp together.

A while after that CIP changed the pushing-possibility for bigger monsters and the possibility to block them with parcels (or flower pots)

I was happy to never have to dance with a demon like that again. 😉

3 thoughts to “Demon dance”

  1. Now THIS is a story and my fav of all!
    Also I finally know from who’s the last pic, it became pretty popular if you search anything about old Tibia you will eventually find it.

    Got some questions that I hope you can answer:

    Can you tell me which was the way to go to the cavern city? You said Mintwallin didnt exist, so I got the doubt if it was a different way back then.

    Can you recall the text from the sign next to that ladder?

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    1. If i recall right. (Old players correct me) it was a simple ladder downstairs from the ancient temple entrance. The whole labyrinth around mintwallin did not exist.
      The sign i recall something like: welcome to cavern city where the undead roam or something like that.
      Cavern city was quite popular for skeletons and ghouls. The demon normally was one floor upstairs and you would not meet it in cavern city. But back then it was possibel to push the monsters down the ladder. It happened seldom cause only “high” levels could even dare to come at melee range of a demon.

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      1. Whoaaa! Thanks for answering, Taghor. It’s fascinating.

        I had no idea about the name of this place. I knew the place because of Daemon’s stories, leaked real files (incomplete map, I’ve seen it without that ladder in the middle of the cave and without the place of the Daemon’s spawn) and some screenshots, but had no idea it existed before Mintwallin, or even that it was filled with undeads.

        It’s just crazy that players could push stronger monsters into ladders… And of course, I couldnt imagine trying to trap a Daemon with parcels, LOL. I wish I could live those moments u_u.

        The Daemons spawn had another floor? I’ve seen screenshots where it seems to have another floor downstairs: <- not this one. <- this one, focus on south of the map. I think I havent seen any screenshot of that place. What was that? A quest or just another floor with more Daemons spawns?

        Hope you keep bringing stories to the website.
        Take care :3

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