Tibiahistory is back

8 years ago i started this little blog about the history of the MMORPG Tibia.

I posted some pictures from the past, told some stories from the past and so on.

Others provided stories and pictures as well.

The the time for the project cut short, the site was hacked and my server went down.

The result: tibiahistory.com was not accesible for around 7 years.

But after i started playing again 2 month ago, i decided to bring it back online.

There is no new content yet, but the old stories from 2006 are readable again. Feel free to comment on the old stories.

I won’t promise any content updates but most likely there will be some updates in the future.

Have fun talking about the past.


Comment system updated (again :))

Since the number of comments dramatically dropped as we moved our comment system to the Tibianews-Forum, we decided to make it possible for everyone to post comments without logging in. From now on you don’t need to be registered at Tibianews to post on the TibiaHistory sub-forums. Just enter your name and comment and it will be shown on the forum.

Since we need your comments to improve this site, please use this feature frequently and tell us your opinions on the articles etc. Thank you!
Have fun commenting.

Comment System changed

Since the comment System of the used Software wasn’t that good (ultra long pages cause of many comments) we decided to use a Forum-System for your comments.

Excessus was so nice to add 2 Forums for TibiaHistory on the tibianews.net Forum. In the Comments Forum you can post your comments on the articles written here. Each article will get its own Thread.

In the Discussion Forum you can tell us your general thoughts and proposals for TibiaHistory.

Please note that all comments written till now are still visible for the staff but not for the community. So if you want your comment to stay please write it again in the Forum.

Each article has a Link to the specific Thread.

Have fun on commenting the articles of this site.

9 years Tibia – a trip into the past

10 years ago there was only one known Tibia. The bone in your leg.
Who would have thought that today the search for the term tibia would not bring any medical details on the bone but a Homepage of a famous Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game.
7,5 years ago, in summer 1998, i stumbled upon this game.
And since then i never had the possibility to let go totally.

What is it that makes me log in again and again from time to time?
What makes me browse several fansites and forums each day?
What the hell makes me start a blog about Tibia?

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